Components of Results of Operations Revenue We generate revenue primarily from platform fees and professional services. Platform Platform revenue primarily consists of fees that provide customers access to one or more of our modules and standard customer support. Our contracts typically have initial terms of three years or longer, with continuous one-year automatic renewal periods. We bill monthly in arrears. A majority of our platform revenue is derived from our Order Management solutions, which consist of our Ordering, Switchboard, Kiosk, Network, and Virtual Brands modules. We also generate platform revenue from our Delivery Enablement solutions, which include our Dispatch and Rails modules. We may also charge third-party aggregators and other service providers in our ecosystem a per transaction fee for access to our Dispatch and Rails modules. Subsequent to the Wisely Acquisition, we also generate revenue from our Customer Engagement and FOH solutions. Professional Services and Other Professional services and other revenue primarily consists of fees paid to us by our customers for the implementation of our platform. The majority of our professional service fees are billed on a fixed fee basis upon execution of our agreement. While we expect professional services and other revenue to increase primarily as a result of continued deployment of additional active locations, we expect that this increase will be offset as our deployment teams become more efficient and more familiar with customer systems and shorten deployment periods. Cost of Revenue Platform Platform cost of revenue primarily consists of costs directly related to our platform services, including expenses for customer support and infrastructure personnel, including salaries, taxes, benefits, bonuses, and stock-based compensation, which we refer to as personnel costs, third-party software licenses, hosting, amortization of internal-use software and intangible assets, and allocated overhead. We expect platform cost of revenue to increase in absolute dollars in order to support additional customer and transaction volume growth on our platform. Professional Services and Other Professional services and other cost of revenue primarily consists of the personnel costs of our deployment team associated with delivering these services and allocated overhead. Gross Profit Gross profit, or revenue less cost of revenue, has been, and will continue to be, affected by various factors, including revenue fluctuations, our mix of revenue associated with various modules, the timing and amount of investments in personnel, increased hosting capacity to align with customer growth, and third-party licensing costs. Operating Expenses Our operating expenses consist of research and development, general and administrative, and sales and marketing expenses. Personnel costs are the most significant component of operating expenses. Research and Development Research and development expenses primarily consist of engineering and product development personnel costs and allocated overhead costs. Research and development costs exclude internal-use software development costs, as they are capitalized as a component of property and equipment, net and amortized to platform cost of revenue over the term of their estimated useful life. We anticipate investments in this area to increase on an absolute dollar basis and as a percentage of revenue in the short-term as we continue to invest in innovative solutions to support our customers’ rapidly evolving needs. 27

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